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What is a Flying Dress?What is a flying dress? A flying dress is a satin gown that looks stunningly beautiful to photograph under natural light because of its high-sheen type of fabric. By wearing such a beautiful dress, you will not only feel and look stunning, but you’ll also take some of the best photographs or videos...

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The Jubilee and how does it affect travel in ItalyA "Jubilee" in Italy is a significant "Holy Year" declared by the Pope, during which Catholics from around the globe travel to Rome for the purposes of seeking forgiveness and experiencing spiritual renewal. This event typically results in a substantial influx of visitors to the...

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The Rise of Ancestry Travel Greece and ItalyThe Rise of Ancestry Travel: A post about the latest travel trend. Have you ever thought about traveling to the place where your family is from? It's a centuries-old tradition, with people from all over the globe visiting the places of their ancestors. Now more than ever, it's easier thanks...

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10 Greek Foods Considered the Healthiest in the WorldYou have heard of the Mediterranean Diet, right? We have gathered for you the top 10 Greek foods that are considered the healthiest. When you travel to Greece try to make it a point to sample each one of them! Olive Oil - The first and most important of all Greek superfoods in the green-gold of Greece....

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Travel Advisories Helpful WebsitesTRAVEL ADVISORIES - Where can I get the most up-to-date information? For travel to Greece, Italy, or Turkey, We are continually monitoring things through the CDC and WHO, travel advisory levels, and alerts. Here below are the travel websites that are the most useful for each country. FOR TRAVEL...

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Greece opened its borders for tourismCan I travel to my destination? FOR TRAVEL FROM THE USA TO GREECE - YES!!! Greece is taking early steps toward a full reopening by allowing tourists from the United States, the U.K., Serbia, Israel, the UAE, and the European Union into the country starting today April 19, 2021. Citizens of those countries...

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Can I travel to my destination?Can I travel to my destination? FOR TRAVEL FROM THE USA TO GREECE U.S. citizens residing in the United States are currently not permitted to enter Greece for non-essential travel, which includes tourism unless you have an EU passport or meet one of the very narrow exceptions detailed on the Greek...